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Full Credits On IMBD

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Makeup Department 

Charlie Bluett...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX, Michael Brooker...foam technician: Millennium FX

Joe finisher: Millennium FX Rebecca Butterworth...key special makeup effects artist: Millennium FX Gayle Cooper...foam technician/art finisher: Millennium FX Peter Cooper...concept artist: Millennium FX Helena finisher: Millennium FX Anthony Davies...sculptor: Millennium FX Niki de finisher: Millennium FX (as Niki De Jong) Hazel Fearnley...silicone technician: Millennium FX Helen Flynn...silicone technician: Millennium FX

Rachel Gannon...fabricator: Millennium FX Rachel Gatt...project assistant: Millennium FX Claire Golby...mould technician: Millennium FX

Christopher Goodman...concept artist: Millennium FX Neill Gorton...creature effects designer: Millennium FX / special makeup effects designer: Millennium FX

Amber Hertzberg...silicone technician: Millennium FX Bethan Hollington...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX

Laura finisher: Millennium FX Reza Karim...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX

Noel Kellett...mould technician: Millennium FX Morgan Kimber...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX Karolina Kluzniak...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX Magda Kulig...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX Cara Lanning...mould technician: Millennium FX Penny Latter...fabricator: Millennium FX Chris Lyons...special effects teeth Matthew MacMurray...animatronic engineer: Millennium FX

Sara Matos...mould technician: Millennium FX, Rob Mayor...creature effects designer: Millennium FX / special makeup effects designer: Millennium FX

Andrea designer; Jon Moore...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX Anthony Parker...sculptor: Millennium FX Gary Pollard...sculptor: Millennium FX Tim Quinton...mould technician: Millennium FX Josef Rarach...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX

Martin Rezard...sculptor: Millennium FX Darren finisher: Millennium FX / sculptor: Millennium FX Michael finisher: Millennium FX

Sharna Rothwell...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX Rogier Samuels...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX

Charlene finisher: Millennium FX; Martina Skokova...administrator: Millennium FX; Harvey Smith...silicone technician: Millennium FX

Jody Stanton...mould technician: Millennium FX; Hildegunn Strømseng...foam technician/art finisher: Millennium FX; Vlad Taupesh...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX; Thomas Tuohey...silicone technician: Millennium FX; Nick Tyrrell...mould technician: Millennium FX

Cliff Wallace...concept artist: Millennium FX; Fiona Walsh...special makeup effects artists: Millennium FX; Kate Walshe...special makeup and creature effects producer: Millennium FX; Olivia Whitaker...mould technician: Millennium FX; Cunnington Will...silicone technician: Millennium FX

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