The original spitting image puppet of Sir John Gielgud was bought to me needing some attention. The nature of the material meant it was deteriorating and the existing stand was causing problems. They were only really built to store the puppets whilst filming and not to display the puppets indefinitely. Whilst on display the weight of the puppet body was not supported which meant all of the pressure was on the puppet head. This combined with the delicate nature of the old foam led to the neck tearing.
Using specialist restoration skills I was able to rebuild the neck and reinforce it to strengthen the weak area. I repainted the area to blend in with the original paint finish and aged it appropriately.
Within the budget I was given I created a new bespoke basic stand, designed to take the weight of the puppet body whilst supporting the head separately. This will take all of the weight away from the neck and prevent further damage.
I also reinforced a tear on the back of the puppet's upper torso which had also been caused by the weight of the puppet whilst hanging.
As you can see from the photographs Sir John has been restored successfully and has gone back to his owners to be put on display.
If you have any restoration requirements please contact me to discuss.