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Spitting Image Puppet Restoration 


Dec 2013


I was recently contact by a lady who wanted to restore her original spitting image puppet to his former glory. Unfortunately the years had not been kind to the foam latex puppet Roy Hattersley and he needed a little attention. It was a fantastic job to work on. I have always wished I had been able to work on the show so be able to work on one of the original puppets was fantastic!


Click here to see the before and after photo's aswell as an exlusive video featuring the original Spitting Image voice artist Steve Nallon!

The Sculpture School Courses


June - Dec 2013


It's been a busy 6 months of sculpture classes with Andy and Diane at the Sculpture School. I always have such a good time on the weekend courses and have learnt so much. Within the courses we learn about the anatomy specifically for use in sculpture which is so insightful. Andy's teaching method is great and I always come away feeling inspired. I have recently started attending weekly classes so hope to progress my sculpting skills even further on a regular basis.

Local News Article


17th June


It was lovely to find out I had be featured buy the Milton Keynes Citizen this week!

Click on the image to see the full article...

QEST Scholarship Awards


4th June

Here I am accepting my official QEST scholarship certificate from Chairman and Trustee Nick Farrow.

All of the QEST scholars were treated to a beautiful meal at the Royal Warrant Holders Association Annual Luncheon held at Park Lane Hotel. 

It was a lovely day and so nice to meet the other scholars and sponsors who are all so passionate about craft and heritage.


1st - 2nd June

This weekend was the first sculpting course with Andrew Sinclair at The Sculpture School. Both Andy and his partner Diane were fantastic hosts and it was both a fun and very informative weekend.

Over the two days Andy taught us a great deal about animal anatomy, from the skeleton to the muscle structure of each animal. His knowledge in this area is extensive and he is passionate about sharing this with his students.

I am very excited for the next course in figurative sculpting. Sculpting portraits and figures is my passion so it should be a great weekend!.​

Animal Anatomy At The Sculpture School

June 2013

I have been very fortunate to have been awarded a Scholarship from QEST. It is a great honour and I am very excited about using this opportunity to study sculpting at an advanced level under the guidance of renowned sculptor Andrew Sinclair. 

This month I will start my courses with Andrew and also attend the Royal Warrant Holders Association Annual Luncheon to receive my scholarship award. 

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